Book 1: Chapter 15, State In Which Man Was Created. The Faculties Of The Soul—The Image Of God—Free Will—Original Righteousness
This chapter is thus divided:—I. The necessary rules to be observed in considering the state of man before the fall being laid down, the point first considered is the creation of the body, and the lesson taught by its being formed out of the earth, and made alive, sec. 1. II. The immortality of the human soul is proved by…
Book 1: Chapter 16, The World, Created By God, Still Cherished And Protected By Him. Each And All Of Its Parts Governed By His Providence
The divisions of this chapter are, I. The doctrine of the special providence of God over all the creatures, singly and collectively, as opposed to the dreams of the Epicureans about fortune and fortuitous causes. II. The fiction of the Sophists concerning the omnipotence of God, and the error of philosophers, as to a confused and equivocal government of the…
Book 1: Chapter 17, Use To Be Made Of The Doctrine Of Providence
This chapter may be conveniently divided into two parts:—I. A general explanation is given of the doctrine of Divine Providence, in so far as conducive to the solid instruction and consolation of the godly, sect. 1, and specially sect. 2-12. First, however, those are refuted who deny that the world is governed by the secret and incomprehensible counsel of God;…
Book 1: Chapter 18, The Instrumentality Of The Wicked Employed By God, While He Continues Free From Every Taint
This chapter may be conveniently divided into two parts:—I. A general explanation is given of the doctrine of Divine Providence, in so far as conducive to the solid instruction and consolation of the godly, sect. 1, and specially sect. 2-12. First, however, those are refuted who deny that the world is governed by the secret and incomprehensible counsel of God;…
September 19—Morning Devotion
"I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it."—Revelation 3:8 Blessed Jesus! thou hast indeed done all this, and more. Thou art thyself the door into thy fold here below, and to thy courts above; for thou hast said, by thee, "whosoever entereth in, shall go in, and find pasture:" and it is thou that…
September 18—Morning Devotion
"The king is held in the galleries."—Song of Solomon 7:5 And who but Jesus is King in Zion? As one with the Father over all, God blessed for ever, he is indeed the King eternal, immortal, invisible. And as Mediator God-man, he is my God and King, both by his conquest of my heart, and the voluntary surrender of my…