Book 1: Chapter 9, All The Principles Of Piety Subverted By Fanatics, Who Substitute Revelations For Scripture
Sections. 1. The temper and error of the Libertines, who take to themselves the name of spiritual, briefly described. Their refutation. 1. The Apostles and all true Christians have embraced the written Word. This confirmed by a passage in Isaiah; also by the example and words of Paul. 2. The Spirit of Christ seals the doctrine of the written Word…
Book 1: Chapter 10, In Scripture, The True God Opposed, Exclusively, To All The Gods Of The Heathen
Sections. 1. Explanation of the knowledge of God resumed. God as manifested in Scripture, the same as delineated in his works. 2. The attributes of God as described by Moses, David, and Jeremiah. Explanation of the attributes. Summary. Uses of this knowledge. 3. Scripture, in directing us to the true God, excludes the gods of the heathen, who, however, in…
Book 1: Chapter 11, Impiety Of Attributing A Visible Form To God—The Setting Up Of Idols A Defection From The True God
There are three leading divisions in this chapter. The first contains a refutation of those who ascribe a visible form to God (s. 1 and 2), with an answer to the objection of those who, because it is said that God manifested his presence by certain symbols, use it as a defence of their error (s. 3 and 4). Various…
Book 1: Chapter 12, God Distinguished From Idols, That He May Be The Exclusive Object Of Worship
There are three leading divisions in this chapter. The first contains a refutation of those who ascribe a visible form to God (s. 1 and 2), with an answer to the objection of those who, because it is said that God manifested his presence by certain symbols, use it as a defence of their error (s. 3 and 4). Various…
Book 1: Chapter 13, The Unity Of The Divine Essence In Three Persons Taught, In Scripture, From The Foundation Of The World
This chapter consists of two parts. The former delivers the orthodox doctrine concerning the Holy Trinity. This occupies from sec. 1-21, and may be divided into four heads; the first, treating of the meaning of Person, including both the term and the thing meant by it, sec. 2-6; the second, proving the deity of the Son, sec. 7-13; the third,…
Book 1: Chapter 14, In The Creation Of The World, And All Things Therein, The True God Distinguished By Certain Marks From Fictitious Gods
In this chapter commences the second part of Book First—viz. the knowledge of man. Certain things premised. I. The creation of the world generally (s. 1 and 2). II. The subject of angels considered (s. 3-13). III. Of bad angels or devils (s. 13-20); and, IV. The practical use to be made of the history of the creation (s. 20-22).…