The Works of Andrew Fuller with a Biography (Part 2)
The Works of Andrew Fuller with a Biography by the Editor Andrew Gunten Fuller A Banner of Truth Trust Facsimile Reprint Part Two The bulk of BOT publications between the late nineteen-fifties and mid-eighties were a great support to the churches. Since then the BOT have lowered their standards to meet a wider readerships and have bowed to popular demands…
Chapter 11: Of the Invitation of Sinners to Come to Christ.
Having handled the matter of this treatise through the Father’s Donation of Christ, and through the Spirit’s Operation with Christ, I have beaten down, as an instrument in the Lord’s hand, the minister’s dishonourable oblation of Christ. The substance hath been to show, that whilst an offerer of Christ preaches Christ {as he calls it} immediately for acceptance, a faithful…
October 5—Morning Devotion
"He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him."—Mark 16:7 Mark this, my soul, in all thy goings forth; look out for thy gracious, glorious Forerunner, and see whether the same going before thee of thy Lord hath not been from everlasting. Was it not Jesus that was set up as the Head of his people from everlasting?…
2 Existence Of God
EXISTENCE OF GOD The methods usually followed in proving the existence of God are two; the first called argumentum a priori, which beginning with the cause descends to the effect; the other argumentum a posteriori, which, from a consideration of the effect ascends to the cause. The former of these hath been particularly laboured by Dr. Samuel Clarke; but after…
1 God
GOD The self-existent, infinitely perfect, and infinitely good Being, who created and preserves all things that have existence. As the Divine Being possesses a nature far beyond the comprehension of any of his creatures, of course that nature is inexplicable. "All our knowledge of invisible objects is obtained by analogy; that is, by the resemblance which they bear to visible…
Knowledge, in a great measure, forms the true dignity and happiness of man: it is that by which he holds an honourable rank in the scale of being, and by which he is rendered capable of adding to the felicity of his fellow-creature. Every attempt, therefore, to enlarge its boundaries, and facilitate its acquisition must be considered as worthy of…