10 Name Of God
NAME OF GOD By this term we are to understand, 1. God himself, Ps 20:1.—2. His titles peculiar to himself, Ex 3:13,14.—3. His word, Ps 5:11. Acts 9:15.—4. His works, Ps 8:1.—5. His worship, Ex 20:24.— 6. His perfections and excellencies, Ex 34:6. Jn 17:26. The properties or qualities of this name are these: 1. A glorious name, Ps 72:17.—2.…
Fuller and His Thirst for Theological Reading
This afternoon (12.11.2020), I received an article which Michael Haykin had uploaded to Academia.educ who kindly sent me a copy. The 17 paged article with seven pages of endnotes affixed is entitled ‘A Great Thirst for Reading’: Andrew Fuller the Theological Reader’. As Haykin has been promising new information on Fuller’s life, ministry and theology for many decades, I am…
Chapter 12: Of Exhortation To Sinners To Come To Christ, In Preaching The Gospel, Examined.
The bowels of Jesus Christ are the greatest bowels to sinners, Phil. 1:8, and therefore let us understand what the bowels and mercies are, Phil. 2:1, and understand what the mind and will of the Lord is, Eph. 5:17, in exhortations. An exhortation plainly differs from an invitation, {though we see that men have mismatched them, as if they understood…
October 12—Morning Devotion
"And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land."—Micah 5:5 What man is this but the Glory-man, the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus? And what peace, when all enemies oppose the soul, but peace in the blood of his cross? Yes, my soul, Jesus is the wonderful man, who alone…
9 Holy Ghost
HOLY GHOST The third person in the Trinity. I. The Holy Ghost is a real and distinct person in the Godhead. 1. Personal powers of rational understanding and will are ascribed to him, 1 Cor 2:10,11. 1 Cor 12:11. Eph 4:3.—2. He is joined with the other two divine persons, as the object of worship and fountain of blessings, Matt…
October 11—Morning Devotion
"He wakeneth morning by morning: he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned."—Isaiah 1:4 Who is this but Jesus in his human nature, of whom the prophet speaks? Eminently to him doth it refer, to whom was given the tongue of the learned, that he might know how to speak a word to him that is weary. Precious Lord,…