12 Adonai
ADONAI One of the names of the Supreme Being in the Scriptures. The proper meaning of the word is "my Lords," in the plural number; as Adoni is my Lord, in the singular. The Jews, who either out of respect or superstition do not pronounce the name of Jehovah, read Adonai in the room of it, as often as they…
October 14—Morning Devotion
"Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy."—Luke 10:19 Astonishing the mercy, and wonderful the privilege manifested to the followers of the Lamb! Poor, and weak, and helpless, as they are in themselves, yet how strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus! My soul, never lose…
11 Jehovah
JEHOVAH One of the Scripture names of God, and peculiar to him, signifying the Being who is self-existent, and gives existence to others. The name is also given to Christ, Is 60:3. and is a proof of his godhead, Matt 3. 3. Is 6. Jn 12:41. the Jews had so great a veneration for this name, that they left off…
Keeping The Word Of God
Ten Arguments Against Duty Faith
It is popular in modern evangelical circles to preach that it is the duty of all men to believe in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. This teaching spawns numerous errors and is so widespread that to question it results in faithful men having their characters and ministry blackened. However, every fashion has its day and we look forward to the…
October 13—Morning Devotion
"Jesus made a surety."—Hebrews 7:22 My soul, look at Jesus as a Surety, and as "made the Surety" this morning! Blessed view, if so be the Holy Ghost will enlighten thine eyes to see him under all these characters. First; a Surety. "We are all ruined by a debt incapable of ever being paid by any, or by all, the…