• Benjamin Ramsbottom

    Enduring Mercy

    Someone once asked an old minister why this Psalm keeps repeating the same words verse after verse: “His mercy endureth for ever.” The minister thought for a moment or two, and his answer was this: “Well, because it does endure for ever.” And beloved friends, what a favour that is! What would we do without mercy? And if there were…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Enoch The Prophet

    Enoch is said to have been seventh from Adam, that is, the seventh generation from Adam. This distinguishes him from another Enoch who was the son of Cain. Enoch was born into the line of Seth, the generations were, as recorded by Moses in Genesis; Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared and Enoch. There is no written-down prophecy of Enoch…

  • Alexander Taylor

    The Life And Ministry Of Alexander Taylor

    It is a lamentable fact that in the present day the church of God has within her midst but so few pastors after God's own heart; for men endued with gifts and grace are few, very few, like the gleaning of the vintage, or the olive tree with two or three berries on the uppermost boughs, and four or five…

  • Alexander Taylor

    The Life And Death Of Alexander Taylor

    Our dear and deeply-lamented friend, Mr. Alexander Barrie Taylor, was taken to his rest early in the morning of August 7. He was born October 18, 1804, and was therefore within a few weeks of being 83. He was born in a cottage on the banks of the Shopie, near Lindock, Perthshire. As he lived at an inconvenient distance from…