Identifying The Messiah
October 29—Morning Devotion
"He sent his word and healed them."—Psalm 117:20 Of all the subjects to comfort our minds in the recollection of the mercies in Jesus, the authority and name of Jehovah in the appointment comes home with the greatest comfort to the heart. This is faith's warrant—this is faith's confidence. Who sent Jesus; who sent his word; who is it that…
26 Wisdom Of God
WISDOM OF GOD Is that grand attribute of his nature by which he knows and orders all things for the promotion of his glory and the good of his creatures. This appears in all the works of his hands, Ps 104:24; in the dispensations of his providence, Ps 97:1,2; in the work of redemption, Eph 3:10; in the government and…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1, Verse 2
“We give thanks to God always for you all, etc.” For all the members of this church, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, greater or lesser believers, officers or private Christians; for their being a church, for the gifts bestowed on them, for the graces hereafter mentioned that were wrought in them and exercised by them; the glory of all…
October 28—Morning Devotion
"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."—1 Peter 5:7 Yes, blessed Jesus, I would cast all upon thee: sins, sorrows, trials, temptations. Thou art the Almighty Burden-bearer of thy people; for the Lord Jehovah hath laid on thee the iniquity of us all. And as thou bearest all our sins, so thou carriest all our sorrows.…
25 Omniscience Of God
OMNISCIENCE OF GOD Is that perfection by which he knows all things, and is, 1. Infinite knowledge, Ps. 146:5.—2. Eternal, generally called foreknowledge, Acts. 15:18. Is 46:10. Eph. 1:4. Acts 2:23.—3. Universal, extending to all persons, times, places, and things, Heb. 4:13. Psalm 50:10. &c.—4. perfect, relating to what is past, present, and to come. He knows all by his…