25 Omniscience Of God
OMNISCIENCE OF GOD Is that perfection by which he knows all things, and is, 1. Infinite knowledge, Ps. 146:5.—2. Eternal, generally called foreknowledge, Acts. 15:18. Is 46:10. Eph. 1:4. Acts 2:23.—3. Universal, extending to all persons, times, places, and things, Heb. 4:13. Psalm 50:10. &c.—4. perfect, relating to what is past, present, and to come. He knows all by his…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1, Verse 1
“Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, etc.” These are the persons concerned in this epistle, and who send their greetings and salutations to this church; Paul was the inspired writer of it, and who is called by his bare name, without any additional epithet to it, as elsewhere in his other epistles; where he is either styled the servant, or apostle,…
Arminian In The Pulpit / Calvinist On Their Knees
Perhaps you have heard of those preachers who boast themselves to be Arminian in the pulpit and Calvinist on their knees. They make an attribute out of their ambiguous theology. Yet we fear that many who profess themselves to be free-offer Calvinists play precisely the same role as these double minded misfits without being quite so blunt. Our free-offer brethren…
October 27—Morning Devotion
"I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away."—Isaiah 41:9 Is this thy portion, my soul? Hath the Lord thy God indeed chosen thee? Hath he manifested his love to thee in so distinguishing a way? Take comfort, then, in all thine exercises, when seasons of darkness .and discouragement are around; think of God's choice, and venture on God's love.…
24 Greatness Of God
GREATNESS OF GOD Is the infinite glory and excellency of all his perfections. His greatness appears by the attributes he possesses, Deut. 32:3,4. the works he hath made, Ps. 19:1. by the awful and benign providences he displays, Ps. 97:1,2. the great effects he produces by his word, Gen. 1, the constant energy he manifests in the existence and support…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1—Introduction
This chapter contains the inscription of the epistle; the apostle's salutation of the persons it is written to; his thanksgiving for blessings received by them; an account of the manner in which the Gospel came to them, how they behaved when it was preached to them, and of the success of it in their conversion. The inscription which expresses the…