1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2—Introduction
The apostle in this chapter gives a further account of his ministry among the Thessalonians, of the nature, manner, and success of it, and of his regard to them, and conduct and conversation when with them; and commends their readiness in receiving the Gospel, and excuses his present absence from them. He appeals to them themselves for the truth of…
November 6—Morning Devotion
"For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God."—John 16:27 See, my soul, how thy Jesus hath endeared to thee the Father in the assurance of his love. And wilt thou not feel thine whole affections going forth in continual love after him? Was it not thy Father which,…
34 Mercy Of God
MERCY OF GOD Is his readiness to relieve the miserable and to pardon the guilty. 1. It is essential to his nature, Exod. 34:6,7; not, indeed, as a passion or affection, as it is in men, but the result of his sovereign will, and guided by his infinite wisdom.--2. It is free, as nothing out of himself can be the…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1, Verse 10
“And to wait for his Son from heaven, etc.” The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the natural, essential, and eternal Son of God; and whoever is truly converted, is not only turned to God the Father, and believes in him; but also believes in, receives, embraces, and professes his Son Jesus Christ; who became incarnate, and, in the human nature…
The Millennium
November 5—Morning Devotion
"The king hath brought me into his chambers."—Song of Solomon 1:4 Yes, he who is King of nations, King of saints, is my God and King also; for he hath an universal empire, being one with the Father over all, blessed for ever. Amen. To him I bow the knee, and humbly and gratefully desire to put the crown of…