1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 4
“But as we were allowed of God, etc.” Or, “approved of God”; not that there were any previous fitness and worthiness in them to be ministers of the word; but such was the good will and pleasure of God, that he from all eternity chose and appointed them to this work; and in his own time by his grace called…
Irresistible Grace
Does salvation depend upon God’s grace or upon man’s free will? Is it provided for all despite being accepted by only a few? Is grace supplied for everyone only to be rejected by most? Is God’s desire to save frustrated by men and women who want nothing to do with Him? These are important questions. Grasping such key matters helps…
November 10—Morning Devotion
"For such an High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens."—Hebrews 7:26 What a sweet thought! surely, as a poor sinner, I need an High Priest to act for me. I cannot, I dare not, approach in myself, and with my poor polluted offerings, without one. But he that intercedes…
38 Patience Of God
PATIENCE OF GOD Is his long suffering or forbearance. He is called the God of patience, not only because he is the author and object of the grace of patience, but because he is patient or long suffering in himself, and towards his creatures. It is not, indeed, to be considered as a quality, accident, passion, or affection in God…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 3
“For our exhortation, etc.” Or “consolation”; for the ministry of the Gospel, which is here meant, consists of doctrines full of comfort to distressed minds, such as free justification by the righteousness of Christ, full pardon by his blood, and complete satisfaction by his sacrifice; as well as of exhortations to the exercise of grace and discharge of duty: and…
Duty Faith and the Protestant Reformed Churches
Dear Brother J., Thank you so much for your detailed analysis of my attempt to illustrate saving faith as opposed to duty-faith. You brought many coals to Newcastle for me and your Athens-bound ships were full of wise old owls, all of which were welcome. It is good to find that though you may disagrees with me on terms, we…