• Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    47 Chance

    CHANCE A term we apply to events to denote that they happen without any necessary or foreknown cause. When we say a thing happens by chance, we mean no more than that its cause is unknown to us, and not, as some vainly imagine, that chance itself can be the cause of any thing. "The case of the painter," says…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    November 18—Morning Devotion

    "Good news from a far country."—Proverbs 25:25 From a far country, indeed; for it is no less distance than from heaven to earth, and from beings as opposite as holiness and sin could make-even from God to man, from a rich Saviour to poor sinners! And so remote that had not this good news been sent, heaven must have remained…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    46 Fate

    FATE Denotes an inevitable necessity depending upon a superior cause. The word is formed a fando, "from speaking," and primarily implies the same with effatum, vis. a word or decree pronounced by God, or a fixed sentence whereby the Deity has prescribed the order of things, and allotted to every person what shall befal him. The Greeks called it as…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    The Foreknowledge Of God

    Critics of sovereign grace reject that salvation is God’s gift to particular people whom He has chosen. They prefer the idea that man’s will, works and efforts in some way combine to determine who goes to heaven. For them the Biblical doctrine of election is an offence and they look for any opportunity to rob it of its force and…