• Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    54 Sublapsarians

    SUBLAPSARIANS Those who hold that God permitted the first man to fall into transgression without absolutely predetermining his fall; or that the decree of predestination regards man as fallen, by an abuse of that freedom which Adam had, into a state in which all were to be left to necessary and unavoidable ruin, who were not exempted from it by…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    November 25—Morning Devotion

    "Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David."—Psalm 89:35 Wonderful condescension! Was it not enough, that Jehovah gave his Son to poor sinners; gave his word, his promise, that all that believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life? But, as if consulting the weakness of our faith, confirmed it with an…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    53 Supralapsarians

    SUPRALAPSARIANS Persons who hold that God, without any regard to the good or evil works of men, has resolved, by an eternal decree, supra lapsum, antecedently to any knowledge of the fall of Adam, and independently of it, to save some and reject others: or, in other words, that God intended to glorify his justice in the condemnation of some,…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    The Love Of God

    The love of God is the highest, most exalted thought ever to enter the human mind. Of all the perfect attributes of the eternal, infinite Being revealed to mankind what is more wonderful than God’s love? What greater privilege than to receive it? What fuller joy than to experience it? The love of God amazed the prophets and thrilled the…