61 Canonization
CANONIZATION A ceremony in the Romish church, by which persons deceased are ranked in the catalogue of the saints. It succeeds beatification. Before a beatified person is canonized, the qualifications of the candidate are strictly examined into, in some consistories held for that purpose; after which one of the consistorial advocates, in the presence of the pope and cardinals, makes…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 5
“For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, etc.]” Or “bear” the above vehement desire of seeing them, or of hearing from them. Here the apostle speaks in the singular number, and seems to intimate, as if what was said before of the like kind is to be understood singly of him; for these words are a repetition and…
December 2—Morning Devotion
"It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me."—John 6:45 Mark, my soul, these precious words of thy Jesus. It was one of the old testament promises, that all God's children should be taught of him. And as this condescension…
60 Canon
CANON A word used to denote the authorised catalogue of the sacred writings. "The Greek word" says Dr. Owen, "which gives rise to the term canonical, seems to be derived from the Hebrew kaneh, which in general signifies any reed whatever, 1 Kings 14:15. Isa. 43:3. and particularly a reed made into an instrument, wherewith they measured their buildings, containing…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 4
“For, verily, when we were with you, etc.]” In presence, in person, as they then were in heart and affection; when they were first among them, and preached the Gospel to them: “we told you before;” Before it came to pass; “that we should suffer tribulation:” Which they might say by virtue of Christ's prediction to all his disciples, that…
The God Who Is And The God Who Gives
Three times in Romans 15 the Apostle Paul draws our attention to the character and attributes of our glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with descriptive titles to comfort and encourage the church. Our Great Redeemer is called ‘the God of patience and consolation’, ‘the God of hope’ and ‘the God of peace’ (vv. 5, 13, 33). How blessed we…