1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 7
“Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you, etc.]” Or “in you”, as the Vulgate Latin version; or “from you”, as the Arabic; or “by you”, as the Syriac; or “for you”, as the Ethiopic; that is, on account of them, either by what they had heard was in them, or had heard from them. This gave abundant consolation “in all…
December 4—Morning Devotion
"Come, see the place where the Lord lay."—Matthew 28:6 Lord, I would desire grace to accept the call, for it is always profitable to have faith in lively exercise: I would pray that my meditation might frequently take wing, and view the memorable sepulchre of my Lord. Did Jesus once lay in the grave? Surely death never had such a…
62 Inspiration
INSPIRATION The conveying of certain extraordinary and supernatural notions or motions into the soul; or it denotes any supernatural influence of God upon the mind of a rational creature, whereby he is formed to any degree of intellectual improvement, to which he could not, or would not, in fact, have attained in his present circumstances in a natural way. Thus…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 6
“But now when Timotheus came from you unto us, etc.]” At Corinth, as appears from (Acts 18:5) which shows that this epistle was not written from Athens, as the subscription to it asserts, but from Corinth; for as soon as ever Timothy came from Thessalonica, to the apostle at Corinth, and made the report to him, he immediately sent them…
A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me
December 3—Morning Devotion
"Whether our brethren be inquired of, they are the messengers of the churches, and the glory of Christ."—2 Corinthians 8:23 What a blessed account is here given of the children of God to all inquiries concerning them. See, my soul, whether thy experience corresponds to it, and mark their character. They are not only brethren to one another, but to…