Chapter 4 – Applying The Covenant Of Grace
APPLICATION. First by way of Reprehension. First. This reproves those (and may serve to convince them of their horrid Blindness and Unbelief) that look on Sin as a trivial thing, a small matter; and so go on in a wicked and ungodly course of life, who add Drunkenness to Thirst; and yet say they shall have Peace: O Souls! do…
Appendix – An Elegy
An Elegy Upon the Death of That Reverend and Faithful Minister of the Gospel Mr. Henry Forty, Late Pastor of a Church of Christ at Abingdon, in the County of Berks, who departed this Life in the 67th. Year of his Age, and was Interred in Southwark, Jan. 27th. 1692/3. Mourn, mourn, O Sion! thou hast Forty lost, Wave upon…
78 Translation
TRANSLATION In the ecclesiastical sense of the word, is the removing of a bishop from one see to another. It is also used for the version of a book or writing into a different language from that in which it was written. In translating the Scriptures, great knowledge and caution are necessary. Dr. Campbell lays down three fundamental rules for…
December 19—Morning Devotion
"God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."—1 Corinthians 1:9 Think, my soul, what a dignity believers in Jesus are called unto, when brought into a nearness of communion with their glorious head, in any exercise of trial or affliction for his sake. God is faithful in the appointment. How?…
77 Misrepresentation
MISREPRESENTATION The act of wilfully representing a thing otherwise than it is. "This," as an elegant writer observes, "is one of the greatest mischiefs of conversation. Self-love is continually at work to give to all we say a bias in our own favour. How often in society, otherwise respectable, are we pained with narrations in which prejudice warps, and self-love…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 7
“For God hath not called us, etc.]” The Syriac version reads “you”. This is another reason to enforce the above exhortations, and to caution them against the above unclean practices, taken from the end of the effectual calling by the efficacious grace of God, which is not “unto uncleanness” Of any sort, as before specified. This they had lived in…