• Benjamin Keach on the Everlasting Covenant (Complete)

    Appendix – An Elegy

    An Elegy Upon the Death of That Reverend and Faithful Minister of the Gospel Mr. Henry Forty, Late Pastor of a Church of Christ at Abingdon, in the County of Berks, who departed this Life in the 67th. Year of his Age, and was Interred in Southwark, Jan. 27th. 1692/3. Mourn, mourn, O Sion! thou hast Forty lost, Wave upon…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    78 Translation

    TRANSLATION In the ecclesiastical sense of the word, is the removing of a bishop from one see to another. It is also used for the version of a book or writing into a different language from that in which it was written. In translating the Scriptures, great knowledge and caution are necessary. Dr. Campbell lays down three fundamental rules for…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    December 19—Morning Devotion

    "God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."—1 Corinthians 1:9 Think, my soul, what a dignity believers in Jesus are called unto, when brought into a nearness of communion with their glorious head, in any exercise of trial or affliction for his sake. God is faithful in the appointment. How?…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    77 Misrepresentation

    MISREPRESENTATION The act of wilfully representing a thing otherwise than it is. "This," as an elegant writer observes, "is one of the greatest mischiefs of conversation. Self-love is continually at work to give to all we say a bias in our own favour. How often in society, otherwise respectable, are we pained with narrations in which prejudice warps, and self-love…