80 Vatican Manuscript
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT One of the principal Greek manuscripts now extant. It contained originally the whole Greek Bible. The age of this manuscript is supposed to be no higher than the fifth century.
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 9
“But as touching brotherly love, etc.]” Another branch of sanctification; which is distinct from love to God and Christ, though it always accompanies it, and from love to all mankind; and is what is peculiar to brethren in a spiritual relation, and ought to be universal, fervent, and sincere, and as Christ has loved them: concerning which the following things…
The Title Page
The Everlasting Covenant, A Sweet Cordial For A Drooping Soul, Or, The Excellent Nature Of The Covenant Of Grace Opened Psalm 89:33: “My Covenant I will not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my Lips.” In A Sermon Preached January the 29th, At Abingdon, In The County Of Berks, At The Funeral Of Mr. Henry Forty,…
The 1646 Westminster Confession Of Faith, Article 7, Paragraphs 2&3: ”The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works, wherein life was promised to Adam, and in him to his posterity, upon condition of perfect and personal obedience. Man by his fall having made himself incapable of life by that covenant, the Lord was pleased to make a…
Original Preface
To the Congregation at Horsly-down, who were the Auditors of this Sermon, the Author wishes all the Blessings of the Everlasting Covenant, even the sure Mercies of David. Beloved, The Subject treated on, in this ensuing Discourse, is of the highest Concernment; and tho' the Substance of what is herein contained, you have heard from the Pulpit, yet I am…
The Everlasting Covenant, A Sweet Cordial for a drooping Soul: Or, The Blessed Nature Of The Covenant Of Grace Opened Beloved, The Solemn Occasion of this Assembly, may put us all in mind of our Mortality, Death is certain; all must die (as the Psalmist says) What Man is he that liveth and shall not see Death? Can he deliver…