The Everlasting Covenant, A Sweet Cordial for a drooping Soul: Or, The Blessed Nature Of The Covenant Of Grace Opened Beloved, The Solemn Occasion of this Assembly, may put us all in mind of our Mortality, Death is certain; all must die (as the Psalmist says) What Man is he that liveth and shall not see Death? Can he deliver…
December 20—Morning Devotion
"The blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin."—1 John 1:7 My soul, sit down for a while, by this crimson fountain, and duly ponder over this glorious property of thy Redeemer's blood. Oh the sovereign efficacy of it! For it not only cleanseth sin, but all sin: not only other's sins, but our sins: not only…
79 Polyglot
POLYGLOT Having many languages. For the more commodious comparison of different versions of the Scriptures, they have been sometimes joined together, and called Polyglot Bibles. Origen arranged in different columns a Hebrew copy, both in Hebrew and Greek characters, with six different Greek versions. Elias Hutter, a German, about the end of the sixteenth century, published the New Testament in…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 8
“He therefore that despiseth, etc.]” The Vulgate Latin adds, “these things”; these exhortations now delivered, the commandments given by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the will of God above declared; he that rejects these things with contempt, takes no notice of them, and acts not according to them, “despiseth not man;” Not men only, the apostles of Christ, and ministers…
Chapter 1 – Identifying The Covenant Of Grace
Beloved, This Covenant was Primarily made with Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the blessed Trinity, as Mediator, and as the Root, common Head and Representative of all the Elect, or all that the Father hath given to Christ, we read of Two Covenants, an Old, and a New, a First, and a Second, a Covenant of Works, and a…
Chapter 2 – Describing The Covenant Of Grace
2dly. I shall open the Excellent Nature of this Glorious and Everlasting Covenant. 1. 'Tis, you have heard, all of Grace, as it respecteth us, tho' Jesus Christ paid dear for it; he procured all the Blessings of it for us, by his Merits, i. e. by his Perfect Obedience and Suffering: By Grace ye are saved through Faith, and…