• Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    December 21—Morning Devotion

    "Then I restored that which I took not away."—Psalm 69:4 Whose words are these? They can be none but the words of Jesus; for none ever made restoration but he; and none but he could say, I took nothing away. And what was taken away? God's glory was taken away by sin; and consequently, man's happiness also. For when Adam…

  • Benjamin Keach on the Everlasting Covenant (Complete)

    The Title Page

    The Everlasting Covenant, A Sweet Cordial For A Drooping Soul, Or, The Excellent Nature Of The Covenant Of Grace Opened Psalm 89:33: “My Covenant I will not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my Lips.” In A Sermon Preached January the 29th, At Abingdon, In The County Of Berks, At The Funeral Of Mr. Henry Forty,…

  • Benjamin Keach on the Everlasting Covenant (Complete)

    Original Preface

    To the Congregation at Horsly-down, who were the Auditors of this Sermon, the Author wishes all the Blessings of the Everlasting Covenant, even the sure Mercies of David. Beloved, The Subject treated on, in this ensuing Discourse, is of the highest Concernment; and tho' the Substance of what is herein contained, you have heard from the Pulpit, yet I am…