• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Mockers In The Last Time

    Jude opens our passage today with a reference to brotherly love. He reminds us of this principal feature of Christian fellowship. Our love for the Lord Jesus arises from God first loving us. Our love for the Lord, as His followers, thereafter manifests itself in our love for one another. This is spiritual union. Because the Lord loves us we…

  • Mrs. Charles Graham

    The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Charles Graham

    Dear Brother Winters,—This is the most sorrowful letter I have ever written to you or any one else for publication. I lost my dearly beloved wife on the morning of March 12th, 1893, at twenty-five minutes past five, through pluero-pneumonia, after six days of great suffering. I fondly hoped the Lord had given her to me to smooth my steps…

  • Charles Graham

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Graham

    We very deeply regret to announce the departure of our highly esteemed friend and brother Mr. Charles Graham, of New York, U.S.A. In the July number of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, 1892, we gave a portrait and sketch of deceased, from which it appears Mr. Graham was born Dec. 5, 1811, at Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland. In 1836 he…

  • Charles Graham

    The Life And Death Of Charles Graham

    New York, America.—Dear Brother Winters,—I send you a synopsis of how the Lord has thinned us out since we met first at Grand-street, Williamsburgh, in April, 1889. On March 20th, 1890, the Lord called away from us W. Mott in the 81st year of his age. His obituary appeared in your columns at the time. The next the Lord called…

  • Charles Graham

    The Life And Testimony Of Charles Graham

    Dear Brother Winters,—It is with the greatest difficulty I begin to write about myself. I commenced to preach at the same time that brother William Bracher began in 1841, and preached in and around London until 1850. I came out here alone without my family. When I landed, the first place I called at with reference to religious matters was…