1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 13
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, etc.]” As they seem to have been, about the state of the pious dead, the rule and measure of mourning for them, the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, the second coming of Christ, and the future happiness of the saints; wherefore the apostle judged it necessary to write…
December 24—Morning Devotion
"God sent forth his Son, made of a woman."—Galatians 4:4 How little did Adam suppose, when he charged God foolishly, as by the way it may be observed all sinners do by this plan, in attempting to palm off his sin upon God, that the Lord in after ages would put distinguishing honour upon the woman, in which the man…
83 Vulgate
VULGATE a very ancient translation of the Bible, and the only one acknowledged by the church of Rome to be authentic.
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 12
“That ye may walk honestly, etc.]” Decently, in good credit and reputation, providing things honest in the sight of all men, for themselves and families, and honestly paying every man his own; on which account it became them to mind their own business, and work at their trades; otherwise their walk and conversation would be scandalous, and not honest and…
December 23—Morning Devotion
"Lo, I come."—Psalm 40:7 What a longing had old testament saints for the Lord Jesus's coming! And what an earnest wish and prayer it is among new testament believers, for Jesus's coming by the visits of his grace, and the sweet influences of his Holy Spirit, from day to day! My soul, methinks I would realize by faith this day,…
82 Apochrypha
APOCHRYPHA Books not admitted into the canon of scripture, being either spurious, or at least not acknowledged as divine. The word is Greek, and derived from "from," and " to hide or conceal." They seem most of them to have been composed by Jews. None of the writers of the New Testament mention them; neither Philo nor Josephus speak of…