1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 16
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, etc.]” Not by proxy, or by representatives; not by the ministry of angels, as on Mount Sinai; nor by the ministers of the word, as under the Gospel dispensation; nor by his spirit, and the discovery of his love and grace, in which sense he descends in a spiritual manner, and visits…
Are Reformed Baptists And Particular Baptists One And The Same?
The Reformed Baptists have more in common with Presbyterianism, than their Particular Baptist brethren. Those who believe themselves to be aligned with the history and heritage of the Particular Baptists are either ill informed or historically and doctrinally dishonest. The Particular Baptists emerged in England during the 17th century and continue as a distinct grouping of churches to this day,…
December 27—Morning Devotion
"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed: but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord, that hath mercy on thee."—Isaiah 54:10 What a rest is here for a poor redeemed sinner to stand firm upon, in time, and to all eternity! Well may lie cry…
86 Divine
DIVINE Something relating to God. The word is also used figuratively for any thing that is excellent, extraordinary, and that seems to go beyond the power of nature and the capacity of man. It also signifies a minister, or clergyman.
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4, Verse 15
“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, etc.]” The apostle having something new and extraordinary to deliver, concerning the coming of Christ, the first resurrection, or the resurrection of the saints, the change of the living saints, and the rapture both of the raised and living in the clouds to meet Christ in the air,…
December 26—Morning Devotion
"Jesus Christ of the seed of David."—2 Timothy 2:8 Sweet thought! Jesus will have regard to both sexes in his incarnation. He will be of the seed of the woman. He will be also truly and properly man. As both the man and woman had sinned, so redemption shall be for both. But in the holy nature, in which as…