68 The Use Of Texts In Isolation, Without Regard To The Overall Teaching Of Scripture
There are many who now say, 'that they think it best to take the scriptures and preach from them as they find them.' If this was in the mind and spirit of truth, it would be all right; for although there might be a difficulty in coming at the precise meaning of some circumstantial passages, all fundamental truths would be…
69 Where Did The Doctrine Of Duty Faith Come From?
As there is not one text from the lips of our Lord, or the pen of his apostles, that can be construed to mean any thing in favor of the duty of the natural man to believe unto eternal salvation or of universal invitations, without doing violence to the connection, and to the credit of the sacred speakers; perhaps it…
70 Concluding Statement
We will now bring our remarks to a close, by observing, that I have not thus written to elicit any reply from you, nor to be considered as laying you under any personal obligation to reply; but to anew, as I said on the first page of these remarks, 'Why I spurn duty faith as the spawn of at least…
January 1—Morning Devotion
"Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever."—Hebrews 8:8 Precious truth to open the year with, and to keep constantly in view amidst all the fluctuating and changeable circumstances arising both within and without, and all around! My soul, meditate upon it: fold it up in thy bosom to have recourse to as may be required. Contemplate thy Redeemer…
91 Evidence
EVIDENCE Is that perception of truth which arises either from the testimony of the senses, or from an induction of reason. The evidences of revelation are divided into internal and external. That is called internal evidence which is drawn from the consideration of those declarations and doctrines which are contained in it; and that is called external, which arises from…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 1
“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, etc.]” Of the coming of Christ, his “appointed time” and “his day”, as the Ethiopic version renders it; of the resurrection of the dead in Christ first, and of the rapture of all the saints in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, things treated of in the preceding chapter:…