56 ‘Repent Ye, Therefore, And Be Converted, That Your Sins May Be Blotted Out’
Different kinds of repentance. The many exhortations of the Jews to national repentance in the new testament 'Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord,' Acts iii 19. This text has been considered a clear evidence enough for universal invitations and exhortations…
57 Repentance Unto Life
First, what for clearness of distinction sake, we will call regeneration repentance, which is that vital and renewing penitence that is produced by the new creating power and grace of God in the vessels of mercy, Eph 2:10; Tit 3:4,5; and is that repentance that Christ, in the mediatory order and power of grace, came into the world to call…
58 ’O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…How Often Would I Have Gathered Thy Children Together … And Ye Would Not’
'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not,' Matt 23:37. If that which is not of the truth be falsehood, and that which is not after the mind of…
59 A Word To The Jewish Rulers
First, that in the words of our text, our Lord speaks to one class of people concerning another, even to the heads, rulers, and teachers, concerning the general inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, 'How often would I have gathered your children, and ye would not.' And did ever one class of people hinder the eternal God from saving another class by…
60 The Abrahamic Covenant
The Jews had held their land on the tenure of the covenant made with Abraham for them, Gen 13:15,16; 15:16; and with their fathers when the Lord brought them up out of Egypt as above noticed; but which covenant they broke, and continued to break in every perverse way. And as a farmer forfeits his good farm and his good…
61 Not An Eternal Salvation Text
Third. That this is not an eternal salvation text is further evident, (1) Because it is not individual as eternal salvation is; but collective, as of the whole city and nation at once. (2) Because if this text, and such like to the Jews, were eternal salvation texts, then 'their unbelief would make the faith of God to them of…