The Life And Testimony Of John Shaw
He was better known in the North by the familiar name of Johnnie Shaw. The late Mr. Gadsby and Mr. M'Kenzie both esteemed him highly for his work's sake. As stated in the Obituary, he was a plain country farmer, altogether unlettered, but well taught by the Spirit. In the beginning of his religious life he was a strenuous advocate…
The Life And Ministry Of John Morris
John Morris was born at Syston, Lincolnshire, October 25, 1773, of poor but honest parents. Soon after his birth, his parents removed to Harrowby, a small hamlet about two miles from Grantham, where they continued for some years. The family having increased, the parents were not able to give John much schooling; but he went for a time to a…
Ordained To This Condemnation
But He Giveth More Grace
Martin Luther said that the Epistle of James was the ‘Epistle of Straw.’ In other words, it was not very comfortable to lay down upon. This is true. If you read this epistle from beginning to end, it has some very sharp and pointed things to say about man’s fallen nature, and about those dispositions that fallen nature displays. And,…
Saul Rejected As King
The Life And Ministry Of Robert Pym
The subject of the following brief memoir was one who lived much alone. He sought retirement, often saying to his friends that he did not wish to become a public character. But during the last few months of his life the Lord so powerfully blessed him that he repeatedly spoke and wrote to those friends who were favoured to have…