38 The Lord’s Intercessory Prayer Shows That His Redemption Is Particular
Our Lord's prayer in John xvii evidently stands opposed to, as at once condemning every notion about any thing loose, indefinite, general, conditional, and so, uncertain, about his redemption work, or its final effects; unless as Mediator he would pour out his soul unto death for those for whom, as Mediator, he would not pray, saying, `I pray for them;…
39 Universal Invitations Incompatible With The Very Concept Of Redemption
We are aware that while the Arminians will, irrespective of what the truth of God really is, or what awful consequents such a saying must involve, as that of making out God to be but like one of themselves in the final issues of the mightiest work of his arm, unreservedly say that `There are thousands in hell for whom…
40 Supposed Scripture Commands To Duty Faith Examined
THE PHILLIPPIAN JAILOR A word of instruction to the spiritually awakened We are told that faith unto salvation is the natural man's duty 'by express command.' And if we ask where such a command is to be found, we are answered, 'The Jailor, for instance, was commanded to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he might be saved,' Acts…
41 Peter’s Exhortation To The Jews On The Day Of Pentecost
Instruction to spiritually alive souls The apostle Peter's words to the Jews, saying, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,' Acts 11 38, are also set down by you in the 14th article of your proposed doctrinal plan…
42 How Shall We Escape If We Neglect So Great Salvation?
Applying texts to unbelievers which were written to the churchHeb 11:3, saying 'How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation,' you have also set down in the lath article of your proposed doctrinal plan above referred to, as an authority for the duty of all men to believe unto salvation where the gospel comes. These words were spoken…
43 But Now Cammandeth All Men Everywhere To Repent
'But now commandeth all men everywhere to repent,' Acts 17:30. This text has been considered a most clear and full authority for the duty of all men to repent and believe unto salvation. But this 'all men everywhere' we have sufficiently explained elsewhere, showing that this text cannot be taken to mean individual universality of all men, without doing violence…