• John Gill, (1) Commentary On First Thessalonians (Complete)

    1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 2

    “For yourselves know perfectly, etc.]” With great exactness and accuracy, with great clearness and perspicuity, as a certain truth, which was made plain and evident to them, and about which there could be no question; and which perfect knowledge they had, either from the words of Christ, (Matthew 24:42-44), or from the ministration of the apostle and his fellow labourers,…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    January 2—Morning Devotion

    "Lord! let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: and if it bear fruit, well; and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down."—Luke 13:8-9 Do I not behold the Lord Jesus here represented in his glorious office of our High Priest and Intercessor? And is it thus that he so…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    92 Assent

    ASSENT That act of the mind whereby it takes or acknowledges any proposition to be true or false. There are three degrees of assent:--conjecture, opinion, and belief. Conjecture is but a slight and weak inclination to assent to the thing proposed, by reason of the weighty objections that lie against it. Opinion is a more steady and fixed assent; when…

  • John Foreman on Duty Faith (Complete)


    "Duty Faith", By John Foreman, Minister of Mount Zion Chapel, London, 1860 Preface These Letters, by Mr. John Foreman, ought to be read by all the Churches in Christendom. They are a wholesome handful of meal, suited to counter act the deadly poison passed off for Gospel in the present day. Never was decision for truth and vital practical godliness…

  • John Foreman on Duty Faith (Complete)

    1 The Reason For Writing These Remarks

    Sir, I am, from the truth, example, and authority of the New Testament word of God, a Strict Baptist communionist, knowing most assuredly, that no man, living under the profession of the name of Christ, can really regard and solemnly take that holy word for the standard of his faith and sole rule of his life, and not be so.…

  • John Foreman on Duty Faith (Complete)

    2 Duty Faith And The Covenants

    You consider that the obligation of every man to believe unto salvation, depends on 'The rule of universal obedience, which is the very essence of God's law.' This is a most sorry huddling together of things which are fundamentally dissimilar in their nature, order and design, Into one confused, unintelligible and erroneous mass; for it is a making creation obligations,…