Table Of Contents
(This Book contains "The Articles of the Faith and Practice of a Primitive or Strict and Particular Baptist Church," and Annotations, or Explanatory and illustrative notes on the same. To facilitate reference, each Article with its corresponding Annotations is here presented under one heading.) Part 1—The Doctrines Of The Gospel Article 1—The Holy Sciptrues Inspiration asserted; Verbal Inspiration; 2 Timothy…
In the following pages an attempt is made to state with clearness and simplicity the views regarded as essential by the Section of the Baptist Denomination to which the title "Strict and Particular," or preferably "Primitive," is ordinarily applied. Debatable topics have been avoided. Nothing, therefore, is advanced ooncerning the Sonship of the Lord Jesus, in its controversial aspect: or…
Title Page
A Guide To Church Fellowship, As Maintained By Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptists. By William Jeyes Styles 1902
January 11—Morning Devotion
"I am the bright and morning Star."—Revelation 22:16 How oft, in some dark wintry morning, like the present, have I bebeld the morning star shining with loveliness, when all the other lights of heaven were put out! But how little did I think of thee, thou precious light and life of men! Thou art indeed the bright and morning Star…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 10
“Who died for us, etc.]” The elect of God, who are not appointed to wrath, but to salvation by Christ, on which account he died for them; not merely as a martyr to confirm his doctrine, or only by way of example, but as a surety, in the room and stead of his people; as a sacrifice for their sins,…
101 Directory
DIRECTORY A kind of regulation for the performance of religious worship, drawn up by the assembly of divines in England, at the instance of the parliament, in 1644. It was designed to supply the place of the Liturgy, or Book of Common Prayer, the use of which they had abolished. It consisted of some general heads, which were to be…