97 Bigotry
BIGOTRY Consists in being obstinately and perversely attached to our own opinions; or, as some have defined it, "a tenacious adherence to a system adopted without investigation, and defended without argument, accompanied with a malignant intolerant spirit towards all who differ." It must be distinguished from love to truth, which influences a man to embrace it wherever he finds it;…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 6
“Therefore let us not sleep as do others etc.]” As the rest of the Gentiles, as unconverted persons, who are in a state of darkness, and are children of the night; let us not act that part they do, or be like them; which professors of religion too much are, when they indulge themselves in carnal lusts and pleasures, and…
January 6—Morning Devotion
"For verily he took not on him the nature of angels."—Hebrews 2:16 Contemplate, my soul, the peculiar sweetness of that grace which was in thy Jesus, when, for the accomplishment of thy salvation, he passed by the nature of angels to take upon him thy nature. There were but two sorts of transgressors in the creation of God; angels and…
96 Heresy
HERESY This word signifies sect or choice; it was not in its earliest acceptation conceived to convey any reproach, since it was indifferently used either of a party approved, or of one disapproved by the writer. See Acts 5:17; 15:3. Afterwards it was generally used to signify some fundamental error adhered to with obstinacy, 2 Pet. 2:1; Gal. 5:20. According…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 5
“Ye are all children of light, etc.]” Or enlightened persons, whose understandings were enlightened by the spirit of God, to see their lost state by nature, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the insufficiency of their righteousness to justify them before God, the fulness, suitableness, and excellency of Christ's righteousness, the way of salvation by Christ, and that it is all…
The Saddest Chapter: Three Curses, Three Blessings And Three Promises From Genesis 3
Genesis 3 has a strong claim to being the saddest chapter in the Bible. With the fall of man begins every sorrow and pain. Here is the source, the genesis and origin of the hurt of every injury, the tears of every hungry child, the suffering of sickness, disease and death in every generation. Man is born to trouble, and…