January 18—Morning Devotion
"Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again."—John 10:17 Mark, my soul, the precious cause which thy Jesus here assigns for the love of his Father. God the Father not only loves God the Son, as God, one with him in nature and in all divine perfections; but he loves…
108 Opinion
OPINION Is that judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, for the truth or falsehood of which there is not sufficient evidence to produce absolute belief.
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 17
“Pray without ceasing.]” Not that saints should be always on their knees, or ever lifting up their hands, and vocally calling upon God; this is not required of them, and would clash with, and break in upon other parts of religious worship, and the duties of civil life, which are to be attended to, as well as this, and besides…
January 17—Morning Devotion
"My beloved standeth behind our wall. He looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice"—Song of Solomon 2:9 It might be truly said, that it was behind the wall of our nature the Lord Jesus stood, when, by taking a body of flesh, he veiled the glories of his Godhead, during the days of his humanity. And may…
107 Judgment
JUDGMENT Is that act of the mind whereby one thing is affirmed or denied of another; or that power of the soul which passes sentence on things proposed to its examination, and determines what is right or wrong: and thus it approves or disapproves of an action, or an object considered as true or false, fit or unfit, good or…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 16
“Rejoice evermore.]” Not in a carnal, but in a spiritual way, with joy in the Holy Ghost; and which arises from a view of pardon by the blood of Christ, of justification by his righteousness, and atonement by his sacrifice; not in themselves, as the wicked man rejoices in his wickedness, and the hypocrite and formalist in his profession of…