1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 21
“Prove all things, etc.]” That are said by the prophets, all the doctrines which they deliver; hear them, though they have not the gift of tongues, and all desirable advantages; do not reject them on that account, and refuse to hear them, for so, many useful men may be laid aside, and the Spirit of God in them be quenched;…
January 21—Morning Devotion
"But for Adam there was not found an help meet for him."—Genesis 2:20 My soul, mark what is here said, for sure it is a sweet scripture. Amidst all the works of God, "there was not one that could be found an help meet for man." The inferior creatures could indeed minister to his bodily comfort, but not to his…
111 Reason
REASON A faculty or power of the mind, whereby it draws just conclusions from the true and clear principles. Many attempts have been made to prove reason inimical to revelation; but nothing can be more evident than that it is of considerable use in knowing, distinguishing, proving, and defending the mysteries of revelation; although it must not be considered as…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 20
“Despise not prophesyings.]” Or “prophecies”; the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the first coming of Christ, concerning his person, office, and work, his obedience, sufferings, and death, his resurrection from the dead, ascension and session at God's right hand; for though all these are fulfilled, yet they have still their usefulness; for by comparing these with facts, the perfections…
January 20—Morning Devotion
"What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?"—Esther 6:6 Nay, my soul, ask thine own heart what shall be done to the God-man whom Jehovah the King of kings, delighteth to honour? Oh, for the view of what John saw, and to, hear what John heard, when he beheld the heaven opened, and heard the…
110 Powers Of The Mind
POWERS OF THE MIND Are those faculties by which we think, reason, judge, &c. "They are so various," says Dr. Reid, "so many, so connected, and complicated in most of their operations, that there never has been any division of them proposed which is not liable to considerable objections. The most common division is that of understand and will. Under…