• Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    103 Commentary

    COMMENTARY An exposition, book of annotations or remarks. There are some people so wise in their own conceit, and think human helps of so little worth, that they despise commentaries on the Scriptures altogether: but every student or preacher whose business is to explain the sacred oracles, to make known the mind of God to others, to settle cases of…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    SINAI – The Way Of Death

    Sinai is a desert; a barren, desolate, inhospitable and largely lifeless place. How suitable that God should give the law in Sinai. It is the place of death and the killing letter. Here Moses received the Ten Commandments on two tables of stone. Today travellers to Mount Sinai reach the summit along a steep track of 3,750 so-called steps of…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    102 Catechism

    CATECHISM A form of instruction by means of questions and answers. There have been various catechisms published by different authors, but many of them have been but ill suited to convey instruction to juvenile minds. Catechisms for children should be so framed as not to puzzle and confound, but to let the beams of divine light into their minds by…