1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 16
“Rejoice evermore.]” Not in a carnal, but in a spiritual way, with joy in the Holy Ghost; and which arises from a view of pardon by the blood of Christ, of justification by his righteousness, and atonement by his sacrifice; not in themselves, as the wicked man rejoices in his wickedness, and the hypocrite and formalist in his profession of…
January 16—Morning Devotion
"And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people; for the thing was done suddenly."—2 Chronicles 39:36 Sweet thought, ever to keep in view, that it is the Lord that prepares the heart, and gives answers to the tongue. And Oh! how sudden, how unexpected, how unlooked-for, sometimes, are the visits of his grace! "Or ever…
106 Implicit Faith
IMPLICIT FAITH Is that by which we take up any system or opinion of another without examination. This has been one of the chief sources of ignorance and error in the church of Rome. The divines of that community teach, "That we are to observe, not how the church proves any thing, but what she says: that the will of…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 15
“See that none render evil for evil unto any man, etc.]” Not an ill word for an ill word, railing for railing, nor an ill action for an ill action; no, not to any man whatever, not to an enemy, a persecutor, a profane person, as well as not to a brother, a believer in Christ; and this the saints…
Joy In Temptations
January 15—Morning Devotion
"I was brought low, and he helped me."—Psalm 116:6 It is blessed sometimes that the streams of creature comforts should be dry, in order to compel us to go to the fountain head. When the fig-tree doth not blossom and the field yields no meat, then a covenant God is precious to fly to. My soul, say, was not that…