Title Page
Believer’s’ Baptism And Communion Considered By John Foreman, Minister At Mount Zion Chapel, Hill Street, Dorset Square. Written in Reply to a Letter from MR. J. Bridge Man, M. A., Walworth. “To Fulfill The Word Of God." 1838
The following is designed, as its name implies, to be a directory to the doctrines and practices of Baptist churches. Its plan is different from that of any other work; more comprehensive in the range of its subjects, but more concise in its statement of facts. It is rather a hook for reference than a book for general reading. The…
January 26—Morning Devotion
"And they said one to another, did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"—Luke 24:32 Ought not the disciples of Jesus to do now, as the disciples of Jesus did then? What but of Jesus should we speak of by the way? Methinks the Lord's…
116 Reproach
REPROACH The act of finding fault in opprobrious terms, or attempting to expose to infamy and disgrace. In whatever cause we engage, however disinterested our motives, however laudable our designs, reproach is what we must expect. But it becomes us not to retaliate, but to bear it patiently; and so to live, that every charge brought against us be groundless.…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 25
“Brethren, pray for us.]” Which is added with great beauty and propriety, after the apostle had so earnestly and affectionately prayed for them; and this is directed, not to the pastors of the church only, but to all the members of it, whom the apostle styles “brethren” in a spiritual relation, as he often does; and of whom he requests,…
New Focus Interview On Hyper-Calvinism
Antinomian Hyper-Calvinism Versus The Law And The Gospel A New Focus Interview With George M. Ella Q. The 18th century controversy regarding Hyper-Calvinism and Antinomianism seems to have emerged again in recent years and, although your book William Huntington: Pastor of Providence has been welcomed by many, a few voices maintain that you have opened old wounds and should have…