117 Reproof
REPROOF Blame or reprehension spoken to a person's face. It is distinguished from a reprimand thus. He who reproves another, points out his fault, and blames him. He who reprimands, affects to punish, and mortifies the offended. In giving reproof, the following rules may be observed: 1. We should not be forward in reproving our elders or superiors, but rather…
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5, Verse 26
“Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.]” In opposition, to an unchaste and hypocritical one. His meaning is, that they would salute the members of the church in his name, and give his Christian love and affections to them. And his view is to recommend to them brotherly love to each other, and to stir them up to the…
Book 2: The Argument, Of The Knowledge Of God The Redeemer, In Christ, As First Manifested To The Fathers, Under The Law, And Thereafter To Us Under The Gospel
The First Part of the Apostles’ Creed—viz. the knowledge of God the Creator, being disposed of, we now come to the Second Part, which relates to the knowledge of God as a Redeemer in Christ. The subjects treated of accordingly are, first, the Occasion of Redemption—viz. Adam’s fall; and, secondly, Redemption itself. The first five chapters are devoted to the…
Is Grace Common?
Do you believe in common grace? To answer this question one needs to be able to define what common grace is. Unfortunately, the term means different things to different people. For some common grace describes God’s good gifts or common provisions in nature such as sunshine and rain. Some see it in terms of talents or gifts that lead to…
To the Church of Christ meeting for the worship of God in Mount Zion Chapel, Hill Street, Dorset Square, London. Dearly Beloved, It is well known to most of you, that on the 17th of October, I attended the ordination of our brother Wycherly, at Crosby Row Chapel, King Street, Southwark. And that the part of the service assigned for…
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Flippancy Chapter 2—On Baptism, Anserwing The Charge Of Dishonesty Chapter 3—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Disorderliness Chapter 4—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Inappropriateness Chapter 5—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Callousness Chapter 6—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Vain Argumentation Chapter 7—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Willfull Falsehood Chapter 8—On…