February 2—Morning Devotion
"Seest thou this woman?"—Luke 7:44 My soul, look at this woman at the feet of Jesus; for thy Jesus bids thee look, and gather instruction from the view, as well as the pharisee. Behold how she wept, how she washed the feet of Jesus, and anointed them with ointment. These were sweet tokens of her love and adoration. But were…
123 Reformation
REFORMATION In general, an act of reforming or correcting an error or abuse in religion, discipline, or the like. By way of eminence, the word is used for that great alteration and reformation in the corrupted system of Christianity, begun by Luther in the year 1517. Before the period of the reformation, the pope had in the most audacious manner…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 1, Verse 1
“Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, &c.” (See Gill on “1 Thessalonians 1:1”). “Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, etc.” These are the persons concerned in this epistle, and who send their greetings and salutations to this church; Paul was the inspired writer of it, and who is called by his bare name, without any additional epithet to it, as elsewhere…
A Call To Discipleship
The History Of Singing Hymns
John Gill And The Cause Of God And Truth, George Ella, Go Publications 1995, Pages 84-90: Article Xll must come as a major surprise to anyone familiar with the older Baptist creeds, or the creeds of any denominations, for that matter. The article declares: “We also believe that singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, vocally, is an ordinance of…
February 1—Morning Devotion
"And they shall call his name Emanuel, which, being interpreted, is God with us."—Matthew 1:23 My soul, hast thou never remarked what a peculiar beauty and sweetness there is in every name by which thy God and Saviour is made known to thee in his holy word? Surely, if nothing more had been intended by it, than to identify and…