150 Confusion Of Tongues
CONFUSION OF TONGUES A memorable event which happened in the one hundred and first year, according to the Hebrew chronology, and the four hundred and first year by the Samaritan, after the flood, at the overthrow of Babel, Gen. 11. Until this period there had been but one common language, which formed a bond of union that prevented the separation…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 16
“Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, &c.” The apostle having exhorted the saints to perseverance, closes this second part of his epistle, relating to the coming of Christ, with a prayer for the saints, that they might be comforted and established. The objects addressed are Christ and the Father. And in each of their characters are reasons contained, encouraging to…
Chapter 5—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Callousness
Mr. Bridgman: "The preacher said, indeed, that he respected our feelings, yet at the same time dealt out with all his vehemence, hard blows, not, indeed, of sound argument, but which certain sophists know best suit weak minds, merely hard words and positive assertions." My Reply: 1. You make a mistake about my saying that I respected your feelings, for…
Book 2: Chapter 6, Redemption For Man Lost To Be Sought In Christ
The parts of this chapter are, I. The excellence of the doctrine of Christ the Redeemer—a doctrine always entertained by the Church, sec. 1. II. Christ, the Mediator in both dispensations, was offered to the faith of the pious Israelites and people of old, as is plain from the institution of sacrifice, the calling of Abraham’s family, and the elevation…
Judah Is Fallen
March 1—Morning Devotion
"And his name shall be called Wonderful."—Isaiah 4:6 In the opening of the last month, the fragrancy of Jesus's name, as Emanuel, gave a sweet savour to my soul. May He, whose name is as ointment poured forth, give a new refreshment to my spiritual senses this morning, in this name also as Wonderful; for surely every thing in him,…