February 15—Morning Devotion
"With purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."—Acts 11:23 My soul, art thou cleaving to thy Jesus? It is a grand thing so to do; and it must be from continued supplies of grace in Jesus, if thou art really doing it. A few points will shew. Is Jesus thy all? Is he uppermost in all things? Faith…
136 Temporal
TEMPORAL A term often used for secular, as a distinction from spiritual or ecclesiastical; likewise for any thing belonging to time in contrast with eternity.
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 1
“Now we beseech you, brethren, &c.” The apostle having finished his first design in this epistle, which was to encourage the saints to patience under sufferings, proceeds to another view he had in writing it, and that is, to set the doctrine of Christ's coming, as to the time of it, in its proper light; and this is occasioned by…
A Very Small Remnant
The prophecy, or more accurately, ‘the vision of Isaiah’ is foremost amongst the prophetical writings in the Old Testament scriptures. It is clearly and openly Christ-centred and is quoted frequently by the Lord and His apostles in the New Testament. We have seen in our recent series concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ how when first it was…
February 14—Morning Devotion
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."—Matthew 28:20 What an encouraging declaration is this of our Jesus, to prompt the faithful to meet together on the Lord's day; or in short, any day, at all times, and all places. Observe, my soul, how sweet the Lord speaks; 'There…
135 Time
TIME Mode of duration marked by certain periods, chiefly by the motion and revolution of the sun. The general idea which times gives in every thing to which it is applied, is that of limited duration. Thus we cannot say of the Deity that he exists in time, because eternity, which he inhabits, is absolutely uniform, neither admitting limitation nor…