157 Scribe
SCRIBE This word has different significations in Scripture. 1. A clerk, or writer, or secretary, 2 Sam. 8:17.-- 2. A commissary, or muster-master of the army, 2 Chron. 24:11, 2 Kings, 25:19.--3. A man of learning, a doctor of the law, 1 Chron. 27:32.
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 5
“And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, &c.” By which may be meant either the love with which God is loved. This is the sum and substance of the first and chief commandment in the law, and is what every man in a state of nature is destitute of; it is implanted in the heart in…
Mottos On The Walls
My mother Gladys Ella, née Hume, started going to Sunday and elementary school a year before the outbreak of the First World War in England. When I left home to do my apprenticeship in Sweden in the mid 1950s, Mum sent me a chain of letters, mostly from Memory Lane. Here is a letter she sent me on her earliest…
The Branch Beautiful And Glorious
March 8—Morning Devotion
"From this day will I bless thee."—Haggai 2:19 My soul, what day is the memorable day to thee from whence commenced thy blessings? No doubt from everlasting the Lord hath blessed his people in Jesus. But the commencement of thy personal enjoyment of those blessings, was at the time the Lord graciously laid the foundation of his spiritual temple in…
156 Pharisees
PHARISEES A famous sect of the Jews who distinguished themselves by their zeal for the traditions of the idlers, which they derived from the same fountain with the written word itself; pretending that both were delivered to Moses from Mount Sinai, and were therefore both of equal authority. From their rigorous observance of these traditions, they looked upon themselves as…