March 10—Morning Devotion
"And hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy; and where is the fury of the oppressor?"—Isaiah 51:13 Pause, my soul, over those sweet expostulating words of thy God. Wherefore should the fear of man bring a snare? How much needless anxiety should I spare myself, could I but…
158 Tabernacle
TABERNACLE Among the Hebrews, a kind of building, in the form of a tent, set up by the express command of God for the performance of religious worship, sacrifices, &c. Exod. 26. 27. Feast of Tabernacles, a solemn festival of the Hebrews, observed after harvest, on the 15th day of the month Tisri, instituted to commemorate the goodness of God,…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 6
“Now we command you, brethren, &c.” The apostle is now come to the main thing itself he has in view in this part of the epistle, which is to encourage a regard to the discipline of God's house; and to exhort this church to excommunicate, or remove from communion, all disorderly persons; and those who are to do this he…
Chapter 6—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Vain Argumentation
Mr. Bridgman: "The preacher made long and tedious quotations concerning the building of Noah's ark, the tabernacle, and the temple, and to prove what? that which every godly Pseudo-Baptist acknowledges equally with himself—that God's commands, when plainly given, are to be by his servants implicitly obeyed—no Christian denies this." My Reply: 1. Quotations certainly were made from Gen. 6. Ex.…
Book 2: Chapter 7, The Law Given, Not To Retain A People For Itself, But To Keep Alive The Hope Of Salvation In Christ Until His Advent
The divisions of this chapter are, I. The Moral and Ceremonial Law a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, sec. 1, 2. II. This true of the Moral Law, especially its conditional promises. These given for the best reasons. In what respect the observance of the Moral Law is said to be impossible, sec. 3–5. III. Of the threefold office…
March 9—Morning Devotion
"But now in Christ Jesus, ye, who sometimes were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ."—Ephesians 2:13 Of all the vast alterations made upon our nature by grace, that which is from death to life seems to be the greatest. I do not think the change would be as great, if Jesus were to make a child…