February 20—Morning Devotion
"I will say unto God, do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me."—Job 10:2 My soul, art thou at any time exercised with any trying dispensations? Doth thy God, thy Jesus, seem to hide his face from thee? Are his providences afflicting? Art thou brought under bereaving visitations? Is thy earthly tabernacle shaken by sickness? Are the…
141 Antichrist
ANTICHRIST An adversary to Jesus Christ. There have been various opinions concerning the Antichrist mentioned in the Scripture, 1 John 2:18. Some have held that the Jews are to be reputed as Antichrist; others Caligula; others Mahomet; others Simon Magus; others infidelity; and others, that the devil himself is the Antichrist. Most authors agree, however, that it applies to the…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 6
“And now ye know what withholdeth, &c.” Or hinders the revelation of the man of sin, or antichrist; by which is meant not the Apostle Paul, though he by his ministry was a very great hinderance of the growth of error, and the spread of evil practices in the churches, and so of the more open appearance of the man…
Article 4 – The Covenant Of Grace
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 IV. The Covenant of Grace. We believe that, before the world began, a Divine and gracious arrangement was made between the Father, the Son, and the…
God’s Answer, Not Mine
February 19—Morning Devotion
"The prisoner of Jesus Christ."—Ephesians 3:1 My soul! art thou a prisoner of Jesus Christ? See to it, if so, that, like the apostle, thou art bound with Jesu's chains for "the hope of Israel." They are golden chains. When Paul and Silas were fast bound in the prison, the consciousness of this made them sing for joy. Men have…