• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Swords Into Plowshares

    When Isaiah wrote his prophecy the coming of the Lord Jesus was still many centuries away. Isaiah prophesised of ‘the last days’ when Messiah would appear, and when Christ would be revealed to the world. He comforted the Lord’s people of his own age and the ages following as they waited and watched for the fulfilment of God’s promise of…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    February 21—Morning Devotion

    "Saw ye him whom my soul loveth."—Solomon 3:3 Is Jesus still the object of my soul's warmest affection; the subject of all my thoughts, all my discourse, all my inquiry? Oh, yes, my scul; whom else, in heaven or in earth, wilt thou seek after but him? Tell me, ye ministers of Jesus, ye watchmen upon the walls of Zion—"Saw…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    142 Witchcraft

    WITCHCRAFT A supernatural power which persons were formerly supposed to obtain the possession of, by entering into a compact with the Devil. Witchcraft was universally believed in Europe till the 16th century, and even maintained its ground with tolerable firmness till the middle of the 17th. The latest witchcraft phrensy was in New England in 1692, when the execution of…

  • Edward Hiscox's New Directory For Baptist Churches

    4 Church Officers

    Every form of organized society, whether civil, social or religious, is supposed to have officers, duly constituted to execute the laws, administer the government, and secure the ends contemplated by the organization. The Church is a commonwealth, a society, a family, and has its officers as leaders and administrators of its affairs. Officers, however, are not essential to the existence…