The Everlasting Covenant Of Peace
The absolute promises of our gracious Lord are the foundation of faith, the encouragement of hope, the excitement of love, the source of comfort, and the spring of true holiness. Why then are not the children of faith always joyful in hope, ever comfortable in love, and constantly happy in the way of holiness? Truly, because an enemy hath sown…
Going In The Strength Of The Lord God
Wise travelers provide things needful for their journey, and guard against such as lie in wait, by the way, to rob them. Our gracious God calls not his dear children to forsake their native country, to travel to the heavenly city, without furnishing them with a rich supply of all things necessary for their comfort, and also strength to protect…
Keep Yourselves From Idols
Idolatry is founded in ignorance of Jesus, the true God, and eternal life. None are spiritual worshippers of God but believers in Jesus. There are many idols in the world, suited to the pride and lusts of our corrupt nature. These we are cautioned against. But in reading this very exhortation, the idol of free-will is ready to present itself;…
Hope An Anchor
Hope is an expectation of good; it supposes that what a man hopes for, is not now in possession, that the attainment of it is possible, whatever difficulties there may be in the way; otherwise, however excellent, it would produce despair rather than hope. The nearer the object appears to be, the stronger the expectation. The word "hope" is derived…
The Life And Death Of William Osmond
The announcement of the departure of our devoted and loving brother William Osmond to the heavenly Canaan took us somewhat by surprise. The event took place, as will be seen in the annexed account by brother Goodhew, secretary of the Church at Ebenezer, on Tuesday, January 8, 1895. As a sketch of the origin, call by grace and to the…
The Life And Testimony Of William Osmond
My Dear Brother Winters,—At the request of several of my friends in Christ, I have endeavoured to give a short relation of the Lord's dealings with me in Providence and grace until the present time. I have been told that I was born in Bermondsey, about a mile from London Bridge, June 26, 1825, and before I had attained the…