151 Patriarchs
PATRIARCHS Heads of families; a name applied chiefly to those who lived before Moses, who were both priests and princes, without peculiar places fitted for worship, Acts. 2:29. 7:8,9. Heb. 7:4. Patriarchs among Christians, are ecclesiastical dignitaries, or bishops, so called from their paternal authority in the church. The power of patriarchs was not the same in all, but differed…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 2, Verse 17
“Comfort your hearts, &c.” That is, apply the comfort given, and cause it to be received, which unbelief is apt to refuse; and increase it, by shedding abroad the love of Christ, and of the Father; by the discoveries of pardoning grace; by the application of Gospel promises; by the word and ordinances, which are breasts of consolation; and by…
Hyper-Calvinists And The Reformed Baptists
The Strict Baptist Mission was organized in the 1860’s by the English Hyper-Calvinist Strict and Particular Baptist Churches.[1] John Hazelton, a Hyper-Calvinist Strict and Particular Baptist preacher, referred to his support of the Strict Baptist Mission in a sermon dated 4 March 1884: “The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” I might just say here, that…
Six Woes
March 2—Morning Devotion
"For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not."—2 Corinthians 8:12 Sweet thought this to comfort the soul under small attainments, "If there be first a willing mind." Surely, Lord, thou hast given me this; for thou hast made me willing in the day…
150 Confusion Of Tongues
CONFUSION OF TONGUES A memorable event which happened in the one hundred and first year, according to the Hebrew chronology, and the four hundred and first year by the Samaritan, after the flood, at the overthrow of Babel, Gen. 11. Until this period there had been but one common language, which formed a bond of union that prevented the separation…