They Continued Steadfastly In The Apostles’ Doctrine
March 12—Morning Devotion
"Followers of them, who through faith and patience, inherit the promises."—Hebrews 6:12 How gracious is the Holy Ghost, in not only holding forth to the people of Jesus the blessedness and certainty of the promises, but opening to our view multitudes, who are now in glory, in the full enjoyment of them. My soul, dost thou ask how they lived,…
160 Ark Of The Covenant
ARK OF THE COVENANT A small chest of coffer, three feet nine inches in length, two feet three inches in breadth, and two feet three inches in height, in which were contained the golden pot that had manna, Aaron's rod, and the tables of the covenant. The ark was reposited in the holiest place of the tabernacle. It was taken…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 8
“Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought &c.” Or freely, at free cost, without paying for it; he signifies, that what they ate, they bought with their own money, and lived on no man, without giving him a valuable consideration for what they had; though if they had not paid in money for their food, they would not…
March 11—Morning Devotion
And behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord! if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed."—Matthew 8:2-3 Behold, my soul, in the instance of this leper, thine own circumstances. What he was in body, such wert…
159 Ark
ARK Or Noah’s Ark, a floating vessel built by Noah for the preservation of his family, and the several species of animals, during the deluge. The form of the Ark was an oblong, with a flat bottom, and a sloped roof, raised to a cubit in the middle; it had neither sails nor rudder; nor was it sharp at the…