• Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    162 Passover

    PASSOVER A solemn festival of the Jews, instituted in commemoration of their coming out of Egypt; because, the night before their departure, the destroying angel, who put to death the first-born of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Hebrews, without entering therein; because they were marked with the blood of the lamb, which was killed the evening before,…

  • Edward Hiscox's New Directory For Baptist Churches

    7 Church Discipline

    Every organization which proposes to work smoothly, and yet efficiently, must have certain rules and regulations to be followed; certain laws for the individual members to obey. Failing in this—either without laws or with laws disregarded— all effort will go wide of the mark, and all endeavors, instead of succeeding and furthering each other, will counteract and interrupt each other;…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    March 13—Morning Devotion

    "Oh! thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt."—Matthew 14:31 My soul, how sweet is it to eye Jesus in all things, and to be humbled in the recollection of his compassions to thy unaccountable instances of unbelief, after the many, nay, continued and daffy experiences, which thou hast had of his love and faithfulness. And doth thy Jesus speak…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    161 Mosaic Law

    MOSIAC LAW Or the law of Moses, is the most ancient that we know of in the world, and is of three kinds; the moral law, the ceremonial law, and the judicial law. Some observe, that the different manner in which each of these laws was delivered may suggest to us a right idea of their different natures. The moral…