I And The Children
The writer to the Hebrews tells us the Lord spoke by the prophets in ‘divers ways’ and this diversity is highlighted in our verses today. Having spoken publicly and directly to the king concerning Judah’s deliverance from the Syria/Israel confederacy, Isaiah repeats the message of the previous chapter. The king would know, his court would know, the people would hear,…
April 4—Morning Devotion
"A place called Gethsemane. "—Matthew 25:36 My soul, let thy morning meditation be directed to the garden of Gethsemane, that memorable spot, sacred to the believer, because so much beloved and resorted to by Jesus. Here Jesus oft came with his disciples. And here, my soul, do thou often take the wing of faith, and flee in devout contemplation. Was…
182 Antip Ae Dobaptists
ANTIP AE DOBAPTISTS (From "against," and "child," and "baptize,") is a distinguishing denomination given to those who object to the baptism of infants.
1 Corinthians: Chapter 1, Verse 11
“For it hath been declared unto me, of you, my brethren, etc.]” Lest the above advice of the apostle should be thought to be impertinent and needless, and to proceed upon groundless suspicions and jealousies of his, he signifies that he not only had some broad hints of their contentions and divisions, but the whole affair was laid open, and…
10 The Church’s Mission
Churches are Heaven's appointed agencies for the salvation of men. For, though it would be false and profane to say that men could not be saved outside the churches, and without their aid, yet, as a matter of fact, but few are converted and saved aside from associated Christian effort, as represented by the churches, or the zeal of personal…
April 3—Morning Devotion
"A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief."—Isaiah 53:3 My soul, there is one feature in thy Redeemer's character, which, in the unequalled abasement of his person, demands thy constant contemplation. I fear it hath not been considered by thee as it ought. And yet it is so sweetly accommodating and lovely, that the more thou beholdest thy Jesus in…