March 17—Morning Devotion
"Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations."—I Peter 1:6 My soul! it is too difficult a task to flesh and blood, but it is among the most blessed triumphs of grace, to glory in tribulation, that the power of Jesus may rest upon the soul. Pause over the…
165 Sect
SECT A collective term, comprehending all such as follow the doctrines and opinions of some divine, philosopher, &c. The word sect, says Dr. Campbell, (Prelim. Diss.) among the Jews, was not in its application entirely coincident with the same term as applied by Christians to the subdivisions subsisting among themselves. We, if I mistake not, invariably use it of those…
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 3, Verse 13
“But ye, brethren, &c.” The rest of the members of the church, who were diligent and industrious in their callings, minded their own business, and did not trouble themselves with other men's matters, took care of themselves, and their families, and were beneficent to others: “be not weary in well doing;” Which may be understood generally of all well doing,…
Chapter 7—On Baptism, Answering The Charge Of Willfull Falsehood
Mr. Bridgman: "But the preacher more than implied that the command for believers only to be immersed in water is as plainly written in the New Testament, as those particular directions about the Ark, &c. were in the old. I appeal to his common honesty, and he seemed to be an honest man; but to that principle I appeal, and…
Book 2: Chapter 8, Exposition Of The Moral Law
This chapter consists of four parts. I. Some general observations necessary for the understanding of the subject are made by way of preface, sec. 1–5. II. Three things always to be attended to in ascertaining and expounding the meaning of the Moral Law, sec. 6–12. III. Exposition of the Moral Law, or the Ten Commandments, sec. 13–15. IV. The end…
March 16—Morning Devotion
"The man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day."—Ruth 3:18 Behold! my soul, in this scripture history, some sweet features by which the disposition of Jesus's love, and the earnestness in his heart to relieve poor sinners, is strikingly set forth. When a poor sinner is made acquainted with the Lord Jesus, hath heard…