• John Jones

    The Life And Death Of John Jones

    The Death Of Mr. John Andrews Jones, Of Jireh Chapel, East Road, City Road While busily engaged in writing, a note came to hand which authorises us to announce that the patriarchal metropolitan Baptist minister—John Andrews Jones—has been removed from this world, where for more than eighty-eight years he was an inhabitant. The note referred to, says,— “260, Oxford street,…

  • William Mason

    Walking In The Light Of The Lord’s Countenance

    The psalmist alludes to the jubilee-trumpet, which was sounded throughout the land on the great day of atonement. This was an ordinance of the Lord. (Lev. 25:10.) It was a joyful sound of liberty to God’s people. A true type and just emblem this, of the blowing the great trumpet, and the sound of the everlasting gospel, restoring life, liberty,…

  • William Ewens

    The Life And Ministry Of William Ewens

    Death. On Nov. 25th, 1869, aged 38, William Ewens, deacon of the church at Chippenham. He was brought to a knowledge of his sinnership under the ministry of the Independents, and through the death of his brother the work in his heart was greatly deepened. He went on for a long time in bondage, ofttimes creeping into secret places, begging…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Him That Is Able

    It is an especial delight for a gospel preacher to preach from a passage so full of the Lord Jesus Christ as are these two verses.  Jude brings his little epistle to an end in a doxology that beautifully elevates the glory of Christ and must surely be amongst the highest examples of earthly worship known to man. He is…

  • Grey Hazlerigg Sermons

    The Death Of Grey Hazlerigg

    We sincerely hope the Church of Christ will be favoured with the record of the life of this faithful pastor, preacher, and editor. Our beloved brother fell asleep in Jesus on October 4th, 1912, at the advanced age of 94 years. For over three score years he was the devoted pastor of the Church meeting for worship at Zion Chapel,…