The Life And Testimony Of John Kershaw
During the first half of the present century most of the Churches in the north of England were highly favoured with good and gifted men of truth as we gather from a collection of autograph letters and published works before us; and fifty years ago most of the London and suburban Churches were honoured with pastors whose labours God greatly…
The Life And Death Of Richard Pratt
The last sermon he preached was at East Hoathley, on Nov. 18th, 1894, from John 16:8: "When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin," etc., the same text that he spoke from when he commenced to preach at Gethsemane Chapel, Crow-borough. He said he felt impressed that it would be his last sermon, and some of his…
God’s Lovingkindness Is Better Than Life
Forsake all, and possess all; give up all, and enjoy all.This is the doctrine of Jesus, and the experience of faith. So we overcome the world, by preferring the love of Christ to everything besides. Most blessed enthusiasm! Really tasting that the Lord is gracious, truly feeling the comforts of his love, actually partaking of fellowship with Jesus, communion of…
Him That Is Able
A Confession Of Faith, By John Andrews Jones
Christian Reader,— It is not my present intention to give you a narration of my long and eventful life, which has already been extended four years beyond the usual full limit of human existence: (Psa. 90:10) This I may yet do, if a little longer spared, in a series of Letters to one of my children, and leave it behind…
The Life And Legacy Of John Jones
The Christians whose sentiments are advocated in this magazine are at once the oldest and the youngest section of the denomination to which they belong. They are the oldest, for they are, in all essential respects, identical with the Particular Baptists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are the youngest, for they did not assume their present distinct position…